How to determine your content pillars + how do they help you

How to determine your content pillars + how do they help you

February 1, 2024 → February 29, 2024
Content CreationStrategy


0:31 - How to determine your content pillars

0:36 - What do they do

4:23 - How do you come up with them?

5:58 - Creating content using your content pillars

11:02 - Polar content/content pillar

13:08 - Content pillars I use for myself and many of my service provider clients

16:24 - The importance of showing up in your stories and how to show up


  • My content pillars:
    • Expertise + Services
      • Uses hard-sell CTAs
      • Your service, how you help people, why you’re an expert
    • Value + Transform
      • Savable and sharable content
      • Gives your audience a quick win and shows you as the expert in your industry
    • Personal Experience + Core Values
      • Shows problem awareness, speaks to the emotional buyers
      • Why people work with you
    • Non-Biz + Connection
      • Fun pieces that show your personality and the person behind the brand
      • Only 1-2 times a month
      • Gives your audience an easy in to connect with you on a personal level