Where to find your target audience + how to engage with them

Where to find your target audience + how to engage with them

October 1, 2023 → October 31, 2023


2:13 - Tips for using hashtags in your content

4:55 - Tips for finding your target audience using hashtags

6:23 - How to use your clients hashtags to help you find your target audience and other accounts to engage with

7:11 - Using the search bar to find your target audience

9:25 - Following hashtags and where to find them to refer back to them

10:15 - Finding your target audience through your competitors profiles

11:57 - How to engage with your target audience

15:38 - Tips for getting on Instagram to engage / how to manage your time

18:22 - Preview of the lead tracker

23:36 - Creating a structure / plan / schedule when engaging / The 10-10-10 method from Shannon McKinstrie

24:33 - How frequently you should make time to actively engage


  • If you get anything from this month’s coaching call, I hope that it’s how to create structure around engagement for your business. Engagement is key to growing your business, which I will discuss in this month’s module next week, but setting aside time to ACTIVELY engage in your account can really help to expand your reach, grow your following, and potentially find leads.
  • I highly recommend watching the video around 15:38, tips for getting on Instagram to engage and managing your time. I go into some detail about how I engage on accounts and how you can create a plan for yourself going in to help you stay on task and not get as side tracked.
  • Also be sure to use your new Lead Tracker template that I’ll be sharing soon!



0:35 - Why is engagement important

2:13 - Inbound vs Outbound engagement

3:25 - What I look for when engaging with accounts

4:56 - How to engage with your target audience

6:44 - How to engage using hashtags

9:42 - How to engage using keywords in the search bar

11:22 - Tips for getting on IG to engage

11:35 - Updates to the Lead Tracker Template


  • Dropped some tips on how to engage and what I look for when I’m engaging with accounts on Instagram that I hope you will find helpful
  • I also made some adjustments to the Lead Tracker Template that I hope you will enjoy and I hope will help you with keeping track of time and creating a schedule for yourself
    • If you have already started using your template but you want the updates, let me know and I can help you with adjusting things on your template or moving things over