

May 1, 2024 → May 31, 2024

3 Key Areas You Need in Your Strategy


COACHING CALL - 3 Key Areas You Need in Your Strategy


1:13 - 3 key areas you need in your strategy

2:05 - What goes into building an Instagram strategy

3:10 - Goals

5:51 - Ideal Client

9:02 - Content Strategy + Pillars

11:12 - Content Pillars breakdown (more on this in the April call + module)

17:32 - Question about Hashtags: How many should you use?

20:44 - Hashtag software I recommend - Flick

23:20 - Question: Would you recommend specific hashtag buckets for certain content pillars?

26:08 - Question: Is there a hierarchy with content pillars? How many should you use of each? (for more on this check out the April call + module)

28:14 - Content calendar example + content pillar breakdown (also shown in April call videos)


  • For more on Content Pillars I would recommend watching the April Group Coaching Call
    • 🖼️APRIL
    • That month’s module also gives tips on how to create your content calendar once you have determined your content pillars
  • If you are looking for tips on where to find your target audience and how to engage with them, I recommend watching the October Group Coaching Call
    • 🎯OCTOBER
    • In the module for that month I break down tips for engaging with hashtags, stories, and more

MODULE - What Should Be Included in Your Instagram Strategy?


0:53 - The breakdown of what goes into your Instagram strategy

2:24 - Goals + KPIs

4:01 - SWOT Analysis/Instagram Audit

4:41 - What should you look for in an Instagram audit?

20:13 - Competitor Analysis

21:38 - Content Pillars

23:25 - Visual Identity

25:00 - Visuals + Photography

25:25 - Feed Preview


  • If you focus on anything this month, let it be getting your Instagram strategy in place. Without your strategy you are going in blind without a map telling you where to go or what to do. Create your literal roadmap to help you get clear on your goals and the type of content you should and want to create.
  • If you’d like to get your strategy looked over or have me walkthrough your content with you you can book an Instagram Audit for $75 here and I’d be happy to go through things with you. This would include a 60-minute call going over everything as well as a document I will send you after our call with notes and recommendations.